
Desert Werewolf Ch.7

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Running by the water, a casting glow of the moon,
lilies beneath our paws, erasing all the gloom.
Dash, hunt, pounce, scamper,
Your heart beside mine, my soul never dampers.

         "...Okay... So... You're a furry? ...I KNEW IT!" Rua exclaimed as he climbed through the window he had opened and hopped into the room, smirking as he stepped close to Tyler and began to feel along the 'costume'. "Where the hell did you get this thing?! The fur feels so real!" His hands practically ran over every inch of Tyler's chest, arms, soon up to that head and muzzle of his, a low murr starting to escape the werewolf as his tail also began to swish, eyes closing slightly before he managed to snap out of it and push Rua away.

     "W-woah, woah, boundaries!" he said with a slight pant, backing away a bit as well as he looked at his friend, who now was having a weird look on his face, moving closer once again.

     "That felt too real... And did you just growl or something?" he said as he placed his hand on Tyler's chest once more and gripped a little, eyes going wide as he felt no real indication there was anything hollow within, especially since he felt warm right against his finger tips, and the strong beating of a heart right against his palm, his gaze moving up to meet the wolf's staring down at him.

     "...I said, 'Surprise'..." Tyler tried to say while giving a smile, which showed off his sharp fangs, it humorous with the fact he was blushing, it showing well despite his fur, the earlier touching and hand on his chest having made quite a reaction on him.

     "Oh... My... God... YES!!!" was all that Rua exclaimed before he jumped up and practically latched onto Tyler for dear life, making it more awkward if possible at this moment, Tyler yelping out as he fell onto the floor on his rear with his friend in his lap, who was indeed found how to make it more awkward by rubbing his face into Tyler's furry chest.

     "GAH, WHAT THE HELL MAN!?" was all he could yell as he grabbed onto the clingy human and tried his best to tug him off. Rua stuck like glue and still hugging into his furry chest like someone would a dog. "Could this get any weirder..."

     And with that the door to his bedroom, only for Erie to walk in and stare at both, her eyes going wide before she gave a few snickers, her handpaws coming up to her muzzle as she tried to stifle her building laughter.

     "This isn't what it... DAMNIT RUA LET ME GO!" Tyler half growled half yelled out as he tried to squirm free from Rua, who was hell-bent on keeping his grip. " I SWEAR I WILL BITE YOU IF YOU DON'T LET GO!"

     "DO IT! DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!" Rua chanted in answer, squeezing tighter and just not giving in to any struggle his now wolven friend gave.

     "Tyler and Rua, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Erie sang out evilly before hiding her muzzle in her hands again and laughing away, by now, their father having came to the door to stare at the unusual display of someone hugging, nay, practically glued to his son on the floor, who was trying as all he might to get him off, ears finally drooping as he whined and began to tear up, whimpering almost like a puppy would as he managed to thrash heavily enough to get Rua off him and in an odd fashion, bounding off on all fours across the space between them all and his bed, and crawling under.

     "Now what you've done Erie, you've upset him! ...And what are you doing in here in my home without permission? I know sure as hell you did not come through the front door," he said with a scowl at the youth. He and Tyler were around the same age, but it never ceased to amaze him how much younger Rua seemed to act, like he was a hyperactive ten year old in a teenager's body. Normally it was not that bad, but when it was, everyone around him normally got to the stage of wanting to either kick him where the sun doesn't shine or do their best to ignore him, though neither seemed suitable for the moment.

     "Rua. I have no clue what you know, but I want you to go home, stay there, and don't say a word of what you saw here, or else," Richard said as calmly as he could, but the anger and worry was clearly heard in his voice if one was listening well. Erie's ears perked showing she was listening even if it was not directed at her, her head facing the ground as she gazed at her feet in shame, especially with the fact that all of this being with another person finding out their secret, a dangerous one that meant their lives in a heartbeat if that secret was heard by the wrong ears.

     The room was silent for awhile, Rua giving a slight shaky nod and moving towards the window before thinking better and heading out of the room towards the living room and then to the front door. Everyone heared it open and then shut gently as Rua departed and left for home, causing Richard breathing out a heavy sigh as he placed his hand on his forehead, eyes closed.

     "I think its time we took a vacation, to the cabin out in flagstaff," is what he said after awhile, eyes opening to gaze at Erie, and then down to the bed, which he knelt down towards. "Tyler, come out, he's gone now." This was greeted by silence again before Tyler poked his head free, crawling from under his bed and for some odd reason, sitting in the stance that any normal dog would, on his hind legs, with his hands and arms in front of him. This quickly changed as he gave an annoyed growl and then looked at the wall after standing up fully.

     "Why the cabin..." he said quietly, ears folding down again as he sighed.

     "Because we need time to figure out what's going on, get things in order, and try and find a way to change you both back, as well as why you have not to begin with. From all the damned old fiction stories of werewolves, you both should have been human the first hit of sunlight after you changed. None of this makes any sense, let alone seems real," Richard explained with a low confused and disturbed tone, clutching his head again as he walked out of the room. "Both of you pack, we're leaving tonight as soon as it's dark enough!"

     Erie finally decided to look from the ground after their father left, her tail dipped low, her gaze soon shifting to Tyler who had sat on his bed, clutching his head in about the same manner as their dad had been only moments ago, then shifting it to two paws as he covered both paws and whined lightly.

     "Why the cabin..? He knows I hate that place... Always dragging us up there... Mom hated it too..." he uttered between whines, lip curling up as he gave light growls before returning back into those saddening whimpers.

     "Because it's the only other place we really have to go brother... You know that," Erie tried to say calmly, moving close and sitting next to her brother, without really thinking, starting to lick at the back of his neck and nuzzle in, which instantly made him cease crying, a bit of quiet following before low rumbles and murrs of enjoyment caused her to continue with what she was doing, his head turning as he shifted and grabbed at her, hugging her close. "You know I didn't mean anything I said right..?"

      "Yeah, I-I know Erie," Tyler said softly, starting to try and smile. "But ever do that again and I'll do more than just bite you."

     "Pff.. what are you gonna do, eat me mister big bad wolf? I'm one too!" she said before pushing into him and hugging him closer, both of them starting to calm down quite nicely in the presence of each other.

     Erie had soon left to start packing some clothes, or better yet, anything that still fit her with her new change in height and size. Despite her body being larger, she was still young, and it bothered her that she seemed she felt herself changing more than just her outside appearance. She felt something in her mind, an urge to do things she never would, just gaze and study anything that she got a wiff of, her understanding and thoughts stretched further than they did, like she was slowly becoming smarter to that around her more so than she used to be. She could identify her brother just by smell now, whenever he padded close to her room or anything he had touched, she knew the scent in a heartbeat to be his, and she was pretty sure he knew the same of her scent. His scent also seemed to comfort her, which half the time she found herself wanting to wander back in his room, but she kept on packing, getting what she needed, and soon, curled up on her bed, clutching one her plush's she kept, the moment cute as well as ironic as it happened to be her white bunny plushy Sandra, one of its ears soon finding its way into her muzzle as she nibbled on it til she fell asleep with a smile.

     Richard was done with packing within the hour that he had told them to do the same, having known what he would need and quickly setting it aside near the bedside as he laid down and just let himself think, all of this which had happened in just a couple days a complete mystery and setting several fears into his mind, not of his children, but for them. It was not every day some kid was changed into a werewolf, let alone ones that never changed back or for that matter, were perfectly aware of what they were doing. He soon climbed out of bed, pulled out his map and began to path out the best way he could bring them around the mountain after getting close enough to keep them hidden from any late night drivers. He didn't want to chance anything, especially with the hyperactive Rua running around... Good intentions he might have, he was prone to let something slip by accident possibly, and he did not want himself and his kids to be around if that happened.

     Tyler woke up without really remembering when he had fallen asleep, his eyes piercing the darkness that was his room as the sun had seemed to set long ago, his mind waking up before his body but it not taking long as he soon sat up and looked around. His bags were already set aside next to the desk against his bed; everything he would need packed along with his laptop and portable charger and wifi system.

     "I don't care if he likes it or not, I'd rather have it then not be able to come home and see it again," he muttered, stretching and yawning widely, his teeth gleaming with the trace amounts of moonlight that flitted along them through his half closed window blinds. He did not even reach the door before it opened and he was caught with the sight of his sister clutching her bags and their father holding his, both looking a bit worn and scared.

     "I'm going to back the car into the garage, you both are going to climb in and lay down as best as you can in the back and cover yourselves, okay?" he said grimly, knowing they would be cramped as the car was nothing special, a small beat up Chevrolet Cruze they managed to afford after the 'crash' totaled their old car. They both nodded and waited in the hall next to the garage door, hearing it soon open and then the car reversing back in. Erie's muzzle soon pressed against Tyler's neck as she pressed into his side and gave a light whine.

     "It will be okay Erie. We'll get through this, I'm right here with you," Tyler said softly as his tail brushed close against hers, a smile lightly forming on her muzzle as she pulled away after awhile. Both entered the garage as they heard the door shut, both placing their stuff in the trunk and then climbing into the back, the passenger seat pushed forward as much as possible. As Erie took the seat, covering herself with one end of the blanket and tucking into it to keep it on her as she pressed her nose slightly to the wall of the door, Tyler curled up halfway on the floor, blanket spread over him by their dad as he made sure they both were not visible before sighing and climbing into the driver seat, the alarm on the house set via a switch on the keys as he opened the garage and restarted the engine, driving off into the night from the cul-de-sack as the night was filled with clouds and the moon. The last thing of the house that could be seen would be the garage door shutting as the car rounded the corner and disappeared from the block, all three wondering if it would be the last time they saw their home.
Finally.. another chapter, and what did it take? Another several months, moving accounts and alot of other shit LOL

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